A Few Words about the Nottingham Buddhist Centre

Five years ago, we left the East Midlands to live in Ireland. At the time, we used to attend the Nottingham Buddhist Centre quite often for study and festivals, although we lived in Leicester and were part of the Leicester Triratna Community.

On our return from Ireland, where we had lived without an effective Buddhist Sangha for 3 years or so, we went back to the NBC where we welcomed home like long-lost friends. It was amazing – it took very little time until we were attending Sangha nights, study groups, retreats and courses. 

The main strengths of the NBC are the quality of the teaching from experienced Order Members and the breadth and depth of the horizontal and vertical friendships, the Kalyana Mitrata (spiritual friendship) which is such a huge part of the spiritual life.

Without the NBC there would be a large hole in our lives. 

Keith and Mal Daultrey

Gareth Austin